So before I start my post I just want to remind those of you who haven't to go ahead and click on that little "Follow" button along the right hand side, and make sure you follow publicly otherwise it won't count toward that number. Don't worry, by public they don't mean they are going to post all your personal info, it just means your profile will show up along the right. And if your profile is blank its just like following anonymously. If you haven't seen my previous post... don't look! All you need to know is that I need 50 followers and at the time of writing this I was at 48.
OK! Good news! I think I just struck a deal with my Big Sis. I didn't think it was possible, but I must have been on my "A" game and I think we may have been softened by the holiday spirit. She still has planned a couple of different "photo shoots" for the next little while, but she said I don't always have to be posting photos of me. I just have to go out into the vast Interwebs and just find pictures of girls, outfits, and/or poses I think are pretty and appeal to me and explain why.
I'll still have to take pics, but how we decide what kind isn't exactly clear to me yet, but she said I'd have A LOT more input, so I guess I can't complain as of yet. She also said your comments and on which pics would be taken into consideration somehow... but, just take your cue from me and I think everything will be fine.
So to make sure I understand the concept or test-pilot or something, she wanted me to post one up tonight. So here's the image:

What do you all think about the pose and outfit? Please comment as I really want this to work, and rest assured my Big Sis will read your responses.
Those lips look so nice,
I just want to put my cock between them