So, yes my big sister made me do some holiday poses. I took them and sent them to her for approval... (I'm sure she'll approve them, they are that horrible. But, I figure it was a good stall tactic! And it worked!) but she hasn't said either way. But, the good news is I sneaked in some better poses. Well, ok they aren't exactly manly poses, but I was working with what she made me wear. I know this sounds odd, but compared to what she made me do, I'm actually so much happier I get to post these poses instead. Hmmm... maybe my tactic didn't work. What do you think??
Well, either way I just want to say thanks to those who subscribed and those who comment! Despite which side your on, I know it takes effort to put in a comment or subscribe and participate, so thanks.
And I truly wish everyone has a safe, happy and magical holiday!
Cute, but a little too MUCH clothing, slut.