Good news, my big sister hasn't been bugging me for a while, so I haven't had to dress up fully for a while. Yay!! But, I figured I should do some sort of post up here. I was flipping through a magazine. There's no need to state the name of the magazine or what type of content it focuses on, but I found a striking advertisement that I thought I would share.
It's a two page ad, where on one page there's one part of the ad, and then you flip the page and there's another ad for the same product.
So on the first page there is this image:
So you see this beautiful girl who, with her hair and holding an over-sized bottle of the perfume, looks almost like an innocent fairy or pixie. She looks just as delicate and feminine as the design of the perfume bottle, which is a tipped heart with a pretty silver charm.
But, then you turn the page and see this:
Now, maybe due the circumstance my big sister has put me into I'm more sensitive to this... but the way the bottle and her hand is positioned, it looks a lot like she's... uh, y'know!! Now, I could get into a big discussion about sexual symbolism, but I'm guessing no one reading this is interested in that sort of discussion. But, in an ad that's about perfume in which there is nothing masculine in frame, a simple pose and placement of product changes everything. It's quite a different message than the first page and for whatever reason I could not stop looking at this ad. So I guess it worked...
Then again, I haven't purchased the perfume so maybe it didn't!
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